This morn', Na'Tang dropped us some stuffs from the US. As always, the bag was full with Vitamins. But then there were two black boxes inside that bag labeled.....
Talking about phone, I just founded a very humorous news confirmed that everyone hates paying phone bills, even the FBI!!!
Anyway, after mind blowing for a couple minutes, dad just told me that these iPhones are not ours. And R'Poom's friend would pick them up later. (which I guess pretty soon)
It seems that I have to stick with my k610i for a while....
CNN reported that Phone companies just cut FBI wiretaps (สายดักฟัง) due to unpaid bills...
See? So don't laugh at anyone whose phone is cut because they forget to pay bills ^0^
Note : After upgrading memory to my macbook, my PC started to protest me by boycott everyone in the family (meaning that it just won't 'work' or... 'turn on'... just simply 'dead')...
The result? I had to give him a new power supply =_=